Thursday, 26 March 2015

Oamaru creek.

Do you like going for a nice walk? At Pt England we have a creek that we can walk to. It is Oamaru creek. It is important to keep the old dirty stuff out of the water and the trees healthy because they help the water to be a healthy place for the fish.

Here it the rubbish catcher do you know what a rubbish catcher is?I do it is when you but rubbish same were there a thing that gets the rubbish do you no were a rubbish catcher is?I no were a  rubbish catcher is its by pt England do no what it look like it is polluted it is ugly.

When I walk across Oamaru creek it smells it is oily all the time one day i sol that it was not oily the Oamaru creek have you seen the creek before  
have you seen what it look like I do I go across that creek to go swimming when i go to the pool we say it smells.

I no what the water looks like it look like mud there are tiny fish in the creek but they can't see in the truty water.The pipes are blood from rubbish canes we should be able to swim in it.            

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